Current Progress

Volume 7 Chapter 2 done!

Progress Bar:

Volume 7, Chapter 2 Progress: 100%! (Last Updated 3/20/15)

Volume 7 Chapter 2 done!

This marks the halfway point for Volume 7. Enjoy!

Christmas Updates~~

The first three sections of Volume 7 are up! Ayase goodness, mmm. Also, the color illustrations are posted for vol 7. Have a great Oreimo Christmas!

Oreimo Christmas

Volume 7, Chapter 1 done!


Volume 6 PDF and ePub are Avaiable

Hi everyone, thanks for waiting! The PDF and ePub of Oreimo 6 are now finally avaiable for download! Enjoy!


Volume 6 done!

At long last, I’m pleased to present to you the entirety of Oreimo Volume 6! As well as a small snippet of what’s to come in Volume 7. Enjoy everyone!

I’m back (finally)

Managing a translation group is hard.

But here’s a small oreimo update to at least prove that I’m back.

Back in action

Hey all,

The school term is done, my experiment is over (it went pretty well), so I am now back on a regular translation schedule. Yay!

However, those of you who have been following our group’s news might know that priorities have temporarily shifted a bit for me in terms of translation work. Before I get back to my three projects proper, I am going to be focusing solely on finishing the translation of Volume 1 of OreGaIru (). Our old translator is unfortunately no longer with our group, and although we already have a new translator waiting to pick up the project from Volume 2, we have to finish Volume 1 first. So I have taken up the task. In the grand scheme of things, I think ensuring that the OreGaIru project is alive and getting the translation it deserves is worth delaying everything else by a few weeks, and I appreciate your understanding on this matter.

After that volume is done, my plan is to then finish the next chapter of KoreZon, after which I will return to hopefully a fairly regular schedule split between KoreZon, Oreimo, and Sasami-san.

As usual, a huge thanks to all our readers for your support of ND thus far.


Oreimo 3 and 5 ePubs are out

Everyone, I’m really sorry for the long delay, but here they are! Oreimo volume 3 and volume 5 are finally avaiable in ePub format, too! Enjoy!



– Whitesora

Status update

This is a status update not only about Oreimo, but for all my own personal translation projects (Oreimo, Zombie, Sasami).

I am currently in an insane phase of my graduate program – in addition to classes, I am heading a rather large international collaboration which is designing an important experiment that will have one single chance to succeed in early March; this could make or break my degree, so I am spending almost all my time making sure things are ready by March. Although I will still be very present on ND as a site administrator, making sure that everything is running smoothly, as far as translations go my own will slow to a trickle for the next month or so. I will come back to them in full force in March, but until then you shouldn’t expect too much new material from me personally (although I will still update if I get a bit of time in the midst of all this chaos).

Please continue to support our group; even though I am slowing down for a bit in my own translations, we still have a brilliantly talented cadre of translators, editors, administrators, and other staff who are working very hard to bring you quality translations of your favorite series. So rest assured that even in my absence, we will still continue producing the exceptional work we are becoming known for.

So until March, I will retire from my more visible role as translator and journey into the equally important but less public world of group management. Once again, I thank you all for the continual support, and I’ll see everyone on the other side.

Volume 6, Chapter 3 done!

And we move onto the home stretch for Volume 6. Here’s a random poll for fun: